The fashion Icon whom has designed looks for fashion house Chanel has ventured into a land that I couldn't be more happy about! Chanel,which I have loved forever,has always been outside of my budget,so I have admired from a far. Now since Karl Lagerfield has a limited edition line at Macy's,I feel like I can finally get me a piece of history! Karl Lagerfield states that "Macy's has always been a place where a woman can shop without wrecking her budget". To that, I say yes Sir! This 45 piece collection will be released on Aug. 31st in select stores. The collection includes a plethora of looks from ombre t-shirts,leather jackets, Lbd's, tweed skirts and dresses and everything in between to totally take your wardrobe to the next level! The line bleeds sophistication,class and essential staples all women need. I am on pins and needles,giddy with excitement for this line! I'm glad high end designers are making their looks more accessible to the everyday woman.This line ranges from $50-$170.00.Not bad at all! I'm thinking about camping out on Aug.30th,who's with me??